Flight CAY201
- Submitted By:
Rashane Brown
- Departure Airport: Tampa International Airport (KTPA)
- Arrival Airport: Owen Roberts International Airport (MWCR)
- Aircraft: B737-300 (VP-CKZ)
- Flight Time: 00.00
- Date Submitted: 12/26/2017
- Status:
Gross Revenue:
(127 load / $ 420.00 per unit
| $ 53, 340.00 |
Fuel Cost:
(269 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
| $ 1, 371.90 |
Additional Log Information:
View Log
smartCARS version, 2017/12/26 UTC
[21:18:23] Preflight started, flying offline
[21:18:23] Flying B737-36E Cayman Airways VP-CKZ
[21:18:24] Sim paused
[21:18:24] Engine 1 is on
[21:18:24] Engine 2 is on
[21:18:25] Sim unpaused
[21:21:44] Pushing back with 17724 lb of fuel
[21:22:47] Flaps set to position 3
[21:24:45] Taxiing to runway
[21:25:38] Aircraft airborne
[21:25:39] Touched down early at -16 fpm, gear level: down, flaps: 3
[21:25:39] On the ground 526 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[21:25:39] Landed in 10 ft, fuel: 17533 lb, weight: 126258 lb
[21:25:39] Taxiing to gate
[21:25:39] Aircraft airborne
[21:25:39] Touched down early at -98 fpm, gear level: down, flaps: 3
[21:25:40] On the ground 526 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[21:25:40] Landed in 7 ft, fuel: 17532 lb, weight: 126257 lb
[21:25:40] Taxiing to gate
[21:25:40] Aircraft airborne
[21:25:40] Touched down early at -152 fpm, gear level: down, flaps: 3
[21:25:41] On the ground 526 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[21:25:41] Landed in 6 ft, fuel: 17531 lb, weight: 126256 lb
[21:25:41] Taxiing to gate
[21:26:50] The flight may now be ended
[21:26:51] Arrived, flight duration: 00:00
[21:28:43] Gear lever raised at 78 ft at 172 kts
[21:28:50] Sim paused
[21:29:49] Sim unpaused
[21:30:49] Flaps set to position 2 at 2213 ft at 185 kts
[21:30:53] Flaps set to position 1 at 2333 ft at 197 kts
[21:30:56] Flaps set to position 0 at 2386 ft at 204 kts
[21:53:22] Sim paused
[21:53:49] Sim unpaused
[22:13:09] Sim paused
[22:13:23] Sim unpaused
[23:11:13] Flaps set to position 1 at 1990 ft at 195 kts
[23:11:25] Flaps set to position 2 at 1965 ft at 192 kts
[23:11:37] Flaps set to position 3 at 2015 ft at 193 kts
[23:13:06] Flaps set to position 4 at 1994 ft at 178 kts
[23:13:44] Flaps set to position 5 at 2001 ft at 172 kts
[23:15:33] Flaps set to position 6 at 1988 ft at 167 kts
[23:16:43] Gear lever lowered at 1997 ft at 160 kts
[23:17:39] Flaps set to position 7 at 1471 ft at 152 kts
[23:18:45] Flaps set to position 8 at 317 ft at 143 kts
[23:19:47] Flaps set to position 3
[23:19:48] Flaps set to position 0
[23:23:34] Engine 1 is off
[23:23:35] Engine 2 is off
[23:26:57] Sim paused
Commenter |
Comment |
Rashane Brown |
Apparently the aircraft jumped while the KTPA scenery was loading ad fooled ScartCARS that it landed, however luckily I fly with FSPassengers so I copied the log:
Flight ID: KX946
Pilot: Rashane Brown
Company: Cayman Airways
Aircraft: B737-36E Cayman Airways VP-CKZ
Flight Date: December 26 2017
Departure: 15h18 (20h19 GMT)
Arrival: 17h17 (22h18 GMT)
From: KTPA - Tampa Intl - Usa
To: MWCR - Owen Roberts Intl - Cayman Islands
Nbr of Passengers: 105
Flight Distance: 524 Nm Landing Speed: 120.92 kt
Time Airborne: 01h47:03 Landing Touchdown: -296.15 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 01h58:44 Landing Pitch: 5.39°
Time On Ground: 00h12:16 Landing Weight: 114472 lbs
Average Speed: 294.20 kt Total Fuel Used: 12289 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 350 Fuel Not Used: 5505 lbs
Climb Time: 00h17:18 Climb Fuel Used: 4065 lbs
Cruise Time: 00h57:00 Cruise Fuel Used: 5978 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 381.98 kt (M0.62) Cruise fuel/hour: 6292 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h32:45 Descent Fuel Used: 2245 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on the ground but found it annoying during flight on the general speaker.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$31,518 (524 Nm)
Cargo Income: +$23,827 (17998 lbs)
Services Income: +$578 (0 sandwich 1 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$1,079 (100% quality)
Fuel Cost: -$6,496 (12289 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$182 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$2,390 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: $45,776
Total Income: $2,288,800 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $849,045 (4 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $3,137,845 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price low, the service price normal and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 90% (+0.91 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 230 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Route Map